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St.Basil's Cathedral

Final Submission (A2 Board)

Edited Image 2015-7-1-12:45:10


Precedent study and analysis sketches are to be drawn on A4 drawing papers whereas the analysis presentation board should be on an A2 board only and strictly hand-drawn and hand-written. 


You should find as much information on your assigned building as possible. Some projects have more information available than others. Your assignment is to provide an in-depth analysis of the building and provide thorough reflections of the questions.





Finally the conclusion to the saga of St.Basil's Cathedral. As you can see, the board displayed above was a combination of the first two projects A,B which are merged and further even more elaborated and explaied through mainly visuals and minimal texts. The most educational aspect for my self was learning and further developing my skill to filter and project the appropriate infomation according to the question asked. 


My thoughts at first receiving this perticular building was exciting at first, however initially, there were assumptions made about how little infomation or creditable infomation there was about this wonder building lead to find it a little monotonous. Howver in due time the indetifcation and discoveyr of the various myths and legends, as well as the significence of the building not only specific to my question but in general, made this project a whole lot more valuable not only in terms of content, but to myself as well. As a fellow learner & and future archictect.



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